Monday, June 30, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

MRBAseball Game

Ok guys, here is the list of people who plan on trying to attend the game. If you don't see your name, email me or put a comment. If you see your name and cant make it, do the same.

Stacey (with Drew and Mr. Ace)
Supermom and Superkid
Legal and Big Eagle
Grammar Girl and here dangling participles (family)
Dhcoop (and date?????)
Old Bopper and the Queen
Cardinal Lady and son
Chase and family
Clucky and her hens
Bloggerman and bloggerwife and bloggergirl1 (bloggerbaby is staying home.)
Also, Bencantmakeupmymind may also be there.

If i have missed you let me know so i can get a semi accurate count.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Darwin Awards

This is a story I submitted to

I am an EMT in Jackson and ran this call. The gentleman in this article lived at this address, which belonged to his aunt. On numerous occasions in the past, when he got drunk, his aunt would kick him out for the night until he sobered up. This happened on the night in question.
At around 2am this morning, the gentleman apparently thought he was sober enough to come home. He found the door locked, so instead of knocking on the door, he punched the window NEXT to the door, at which time he slashed his arm and severed an artery. Instead of banging on the door next to the window and yelling for help, he went to the back of the house and tried the back door which was locked as well. He came back around the house and attempted to jump through the window, at which time he impaled himself on a piece of glass in the window, where he died. He was found with his back half hanging on the outside, and top half hanging on the inside.

Go here to vote on whether it should be included on their site or not...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Knocking out the first save

In this line of work, you have a lot of firsts. Your first dead person, which I got on my very first call, your first child death and on the other end your first child birth. (neither of which have happened yet) There is that first time you get your 50% discount at Outback(sweet) and that first time you say to a patient, "You called an ambulance because of what??!!!!" (i.e. stubbed toe, or chipped tooth, or i couldnt get to sleep)

The other day I had a major first happen to me. My partner and I, along with the Rez Fire Dept, ran a call for a 65 year old male who had passed out in his back yard. When we arrived, he was laying on the ground but talking to us and describing what was going on. We loaded him up and put him in our bus and prepared to give him an IV. He said he was deathly afraid of needles, and my partner told him that we had to stick him to get him some fluids and stated again that he was deathly afraid of needles and would pass out.

Well guess what, he wasnt kidding. At this point he went into cardiac arrest, no pulse, no breathing, turned purple. One of the firefighters said, Damn he wasnt kidding. We started CPR, shocked him a couple of times, got him intubated and what do you know, we got him back. And all of this is before we even leave his driveway. On the way to the hospital, he went into cardiac arrest once again and my partner and the firefighter riding with us got him back once again. At the hospital his heart kept stopping and the ER staff worked on him for about two hours.

I am happy to say, that he has had bypass surgery, was taken off the vent yesterday and doctors expect a full recovery. Its a great feeling to know that you made a difference. I have had 15 patients in which I performed CPR, and this gentleman was the first one I helped get back. Its just awesome.

On the lighter side of this call, my partner said this call required him to do more paper work than he had ever done on a single call and he has been doing this for 12 years. I told him he could have saved a lot of time by writing the report like this:

65 yo m, sweating perfusly w/left arm pain, short of breath. Showed pt iv needle and he died. I saved him. Showed pt needle again, he died, saved him again. Diagnosis, pt is truly deathly afraid of needles.

Yall all have a blessed day.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mr Brothers and My Heroes

I ask that you watch, and say thank you. Please watch till the end of the video for the Final Call.
Thank you.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Back from Tennessee

Well, we just got back from our vacation to the Nashville area. We had an absolute blast and cant wait for our next visit. We stayed at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and made sure to take pictures so those of you who have never been there can get an idea of what its like.
The first pic should be of the view as we enter the hotel. The second is the view from our room, the third is my girls and the rest are random shots.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I love

Google Earth. thank you.